Milepost 324-326
Total Reconstruction Project
Project Overview
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This project widened and reconstructed two miles of the Pennsylvania Turnpike from the Valley Forge Service Plaza (Milepost 324) to the Valley Forge Interchange (Milepost 326) in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County.
Project Summary: This project included the reconstruction and six-lane widening of the PA Turnpike (I-76) between mileposts 324 and 326.
Construction Start: Fall 2021
Construction Completion: May 2025
Project Total: $117 million
General Contractor: Trumbull Corp.
Construction Manager: Hill International, Inc.
Design Consultant: STV, Inc.
The existing four-lane roadway with a 10-foot median and 12-foot-wide shoulders was converted into a six-lane facility with three 12-foot travel lanes in each direction, a 26-foot median, and 12-foot-wide outside shoulders.
The project also included replacement of mainline bridges carrying the Turnpike over U.S. 422/N. Gulph Road, Glenhardie Road, and Thomas Road, plus lengthening of culverts, construction of sound barriers at certain locations, and construction of stormwater management facilities and other drainage improvements across the project.
The original project was six miles in length from the Route 29 Interchange (Milepost 320) to the Valley Forge Interchange (Milepost 326).
Due to litigation and the current financial challenges facing the Commission, it was broken into two separate construction contracts: This project, plus a second contract for the western two-thirds of the corridor from the Route 29 Interchange (Milepost 320) to the Valley Forge Service Plaza (Milepost 324). For more information on that project, go to

Design Details

This project involved a full-depth total reconstruction of two miles of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The existing four-lane roadway with a 10-foot median and 12-foot shoulder was converted into a six-lane facility with three 12-foot travel lanes in each direction, a 26-foot median, and 12-foot shoulders.
This project also included the replacement of three mainline bridges, lengthening of culverts, construction of sound barriers, and the construction of stormwater management facilities and other drainage improvements at various locations throughout the project limits.
Project Plans
This project is part of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission's statewide total reconstruction initiative, which entails rebuilding sections of the 70-plus-year-old Turnpike. The new roadway design meets current interstate design criteria and will provide a safer and more efficient travel experience for Turnpike customers. This section is the most heavily traveled four-lane section of the east/west mainline Turnpike, and projected growth dictates additional lanes. In addition to the proposed improvements benefitting Turnpike customers, the adjacent communities will be enhanced through stormwater improvements and noise mitigation.
The project originally extended another four miles west to the Route 29 Interchange (Milepost 320). Due to the funding challenges and to reduce prolonged inconvenience to the local residents, this project is being constructed as the first phase.
The links below show the current project plans.