Clean Water

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) is dedicated to our Clean Water initiative aimed at improved protection of the streams and rivers that pass beneath or near the PA Turnpike.

The Journey Towards Clean Water

Duck on a pond

Water is essential to life. We, and all other living things, depend on water for health, happiness, and survival. Having access to clean water is even more important to sustaining health and life.

We created a comprehensive Clean Water initiative to take on the challenge of creating more sustainable clean water practices during and after construction that happens on our roadways.

Because clean water matters to us, too.


The Challenge

When it rains or precipitates, the water must go somewhere. Some of it serves purposes like replenishing groundwater, but some of it becomes runoff. Runoff flows downhill and through streams collecting pollutants such as dirt, fertilizer, bacteria, pesticides, metals, and petroleum byproducts.

While construction is necessary for optimizing travel, it can also be the culprit of runoff if storm water management isn’t put into place. Excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous from runoff can eventually make its way into streams, lakes, or water supplies and degrade water quality.

River rapids

How does clean water affect you?

Clean water:

  • Maintains a clean, beautiful environment
  • Contributes to higher quality drinking water
  • Supports healthy ecosystems for wildlife, farming, recreation, and more

Our Clean Water Initiative

Stormwater drain under roadway

The PA Turnpike employs several systems as part of our initiative to reduce pollutants in stormwater and is guided by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Find out more about our clean water initiatives in these articles about our MS4 program.

PA Turnpike Strives to Keep Waterways Clean Through MS4

Turnpike Efforts Reduce Stormwater Runoff

Turnpike Wins International Award for Social Responsibility




How you can help keep Pennsylvania’s water cleaner:

To report a stormwater-related issue or concern on the Turnpike, please click on the link below to fill out the Clean Water Contact Form.

Clean Water Contact Form

More Clean Water Resources

See the resource pages below to learn more about the Turnpike’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), Post-Construction Stormwater Management, and Construction Stormwater Compliance initiatives.

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) is dedicated to our Clean Water initiative aimed at improved protection of the streams and rivers that pass beneath or near the PA Turnpike.

Learn More

Construction Stormwater and Compliance Management Plan

Find out more on how stormwater is managed on construction sites to control sediment and erosion.

Learn More

Clean Water Contact

To report a stormwater-related issue or concern from the Turnpike, please click on the link below to fill out the Clean Water Contact Form.

Learn More