Project Overview
This project is for the design of a new Pennsylvania Turnpike interchange to link the Turnpike and State Route (SR) 130 in Penn Township, Westmoreland County.
The new State Route 130 Turnpike Interchange will improve access for both westbound and eastbound traffic from the Turnpike and encourage economic development in Westmoreland and neighboring counties. The interchange will be located between the Turnpike’s Irwin (Exit 67) and Pittsburgh (Exit 57) Interchanges, in the vicinity of Turnpike Milepost 63.
Project Phases
- Preliminary Design: This preliminary engineering design phase will include surveys, traffic data collection and analysis, environmental analysis, utility coordination, permitting, and development of an interchange design concept. This phase also includes the implementation of public outreach and involvement.
- Final Design: This phase includes the final design of cross sections, structures, final right-of-way plans, roadway plans and profiles, specifications, finalization of the interchange design concept, bid documents, and construction cost estimates. Public outreach and involvement will also take place during the final design phase.
- Construction: The construction phase will be developed as the project design progresses.
The PTC will host an open-house plans display at a future time in conjunction with this project. The date for the open house plans display as well as updates on the project’s progress will be announced as details become available.
Other Turnpike projects in the vicinity include:
- Harrison City Maintenance Facility Reconstruction Project
- Open Road Tolling (ORT)
- Total Reconstruction between 57 and 67