Milepost A38-A44 Total Reconstruction

Milepost A38-A44 Total Reconstruction

Total reconstruction and widening

Travel Advisories

Project Overview

Read the Fall Construction Update

Read About Ongoing I-476 Bridge Construction in the Poconos

Construction began in April 2022 for the total reconstruction and widening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike's Northeast Extension (I-476) north of Clump Road (milepost A38) to just south of the Quakertown Interchange (milepost A44). The Quakertown Interchange will be reconstructed under a separate contract.

The existing four-lane highway (74' wide) will be reconstructed to accommodate six 12-foot travel lanes with 12-foot left and right shoulders and a 2' median barrier (122' wide). The project will also include the removal and replacement of five mainline bridges. The project corridor traverses Salford Township in Montgomery County and West Rockhill and Milford Townships in Bucks County.

The project also included the replacement of the following bridges over the Turnpike, prior to the Turnpike widening.

  • Upper Ridge Road Bridge (State Route 4033)
    Construction completed – new bridge open to traffic as of 6/30/2021
  • Trumbauersville Road Bridge (State Route 4051)
    Construction completed – new bridge open to traffic as of 11/22/2017

Typical Roadway Sections

Typical sections graphic

At project completion, the section will consist of 6 travel lanes (3 westbound and 3 eastbound), with a 26-foot median, and 12-foot outside shoulders.

Completed widening photo

Project Maps

Project Schedule

Project schedule graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this project being built?

When is construction expected to begin and how long will it take to complete?

Will the local roads crossing under the Turnpike be impacted during construction?

When will the house at 1890 Kumry Road that the PTC acquired for stormwater basins be demolished?

How did the PTC determine where the sound barriers will be located?

What are you doing to protect the environment?

How is this project funded?

How much will the project cost?

Will tolls have to be increased to pay for this project?

Does the PTC expect to continue widening to the north?

What is the PTC going to do to relieve congestion throughout construction?

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Learn about the team that we will work with to complete the work on this project.

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