Milepost 308 to 312

Traveling Construction Milepost 308 to 312

Total Reconstruction Project

Project Overview

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is planning to reconstruct and widen the Mainline of the Turnpike from Milepost 308 to 312 in Chester County. MP 308 to 312 extends from just west of Styler Road and ends just east of SR 100.

The project team will start by developing base mapping and conducting field work to assess existing traffic, environmental, and subsurface conditions. Preliminary designs for each section began in the summer of 2013 an Open House Plans Display was held in September 2015 for Milepost 308 - 312

Marsh Creek State Park

For this project, the Commission is proposing to permanently take Marsh Creek State Park lands needed to reconstruct the highway. In accordance with federal restrictions and requirements, the Commission has provided replacement lands that exceed both the acreage and appraised value of the land being taken. For further information, please see the project plans and the PA Bulletin.

Milepost 308 to 312 map

For information on other sections of the Pennsylvania Turnpike currently in construction or design, please visit the Major Design and Construction Projects homepage.

Project Map

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this project being built?

How is this project funded?

How much will this project cost?

What is the project schedule?

Does the PTC coordinate their work schedules with PennDOT work schedules?

Why haven’t we heard about this project before now?

Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns after the meeting?

What will you do with the information you receive tonight?

When will I know for sure whether or not my property will be affected?

What are my options if my property is partially affected by this project?

If the Turnpike Commission needs to acquire my property (business or residence) for the project, what should I know about the right-of-way acquisition process?

How did you determine where the noise walls are located?

Are the locations of the noise walls final?

Where can I view the Noise Impact Analysis Report?

What will the noise walls look like?

When will the noise walls be built?

What are you doing to protect the environment?

Who decides where the storm water basins will be located?

How will the public know when construction will start and if there will be detours?

This stretch of highway is already heavily congested and will be even more so once construction begins. What is the PTC going to do to relieve traffic congestion throughout construction?

Does the PTC plan to continue widening the Turnpike?

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Design & Construction Details

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Team & Contact Information

Learn about the team that we will work with to complete the work on this project.

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