SR 980 Drainage Project

The PA Turnpike Commission (PTC) has awarded a $3 million contract to Plum Contracting, Inc., based in the Pittsburgh region, for the drainage work to be performed along State Route 980 in McDonald Borough, Washington County.
The contract calls for Plum Contracting to perform the work necessary to construct drainage improvements and perform channel restoration and stabilization along a tributary that flows into Robinson Run. The work will include but not be limited to replacing and correctly installing drainage pipe with up-to-code materials, restoring the open channel, coordinating with utility companies, as well as repaving the roadway.
The work is scheduled to begin in September 2022 and will include daylight operations. The contractor tentatively will work four, ten-hour shifts, Monday through Thursday, but may work additional hours if needed.
This work schedule is subject to change based on the weather conditions, but the project is expected to be finished by fall of 2023.
Construction Started
September 2022
Construction Completed
Fall 2023
Section U.S. Route 22 to I-79
Opened October 2021 with ongoing improvements into 2023
55A1 U.S. Route 22 to Quicksilver Rd
Section 55A1 Construction Section of the Southern Beltway (PA Turnpike 576) runs from U.S. Route 22 to Quicksilver Rd. in Robinson Township, Washington County. Independence Excavating finished the approximate four-mile section, which contains one full interchange at Beech Hollow Road, three mainline bridge structures and one overpass. Beech Hollow Road and State Route 980 were realigned to create an intersection with Donaldson Road. Candor Road was reconstructed to include the overpass structure. The bridge structures carry PA Turnpike 576 over Little Raccoon Creek and Quicksilver Road. This portion of the project required nearly five million cubic yards of excavation.
Construction Started
December 15, 2016
Construction Completed
June 2019
Travel Details
I-576 is now open to traffic.
55A2 U.S. Route 222 to Quicksilver Road to Panhandle Trail
U.S. Route 22 to Quicksilver Road to Panhandle Trail Section 55A2 located between sections 55A1 and 55B in Washington County is approximately 2.7 miles in length and includes:
- Four precast concrete box culverts
- One single-span precast concrete arch bridge
- One single-span composite prestressed concrete PA bulb-tee beam bridge
- Dual single-span composite steel multi-girder bridges
- Dual eight-span composite steel multi-girder bridges
- One full interchange
- Reconstruction of State Route 980, State Route 4037 (Fort Cherry Road), and State Route 4012 (Noblestown Road)
Construction Started
Mid-December 2018
Construction Completed
June 2021
Travel Details
I-576 is now open to traffic.
55B Panhandle Trail to Cecil Reissing Rd
Panhandle Trail to Cecil Reissing Rd. PA Turnpike 576: This section is approximately 3.2 miles in length and required nearly six million cubic yards of excavation. The project includes a five span bridge that is 1,370 feet in length over State Route 980. The northern leg of Reissing Road was relocated and became Laurel Hill Road, and the southern leg has a new connection to State Route 980. Realignment of the Reissing and Profio Road intersection is also included.
Construction Started
February 2017
Construction Completed
December 2019
Travel Details
I-576 is now open to traffic.
55C1-1 Cecil Reissing Rd to State Route 50
Cecil Reissing Rd. to State Route 50 to PA Turnpike 576, Section 55C1-1: Adjacent to Section 55B, is approximately 2 miles in length, and required nearly four million cubic yards of excavation. The project includes 4 bridges, two that span State Route 50, Wheeling and Lake Erie Rail line, and Millers Run Creek Road. A third bridge connects Cecil Reissing Road to State Route 50; north of its current location. The fourth bridge serves as the overpass for Cecil Sturgeon Road over PA Turnpike 576 (as part of the interchange) and provides a new connection with Reissing Road. The new interchange is located approximately one mile west of State Route 50 and includes four ramps connecting with PA Turnpike 576.
Construction Started
November 2017
Construction Completed
November 2020
Travel Details
I-576 is now open to traffic.
55C1-2 State Route 50 to Coal Pit Road
The 55C1-2 Construction Section of the Southern Beltway (PA Turnpike 576) runs from State Route 50 to Coal Pit Road in South Fayette Township, Allegheny County. Trumbull Corporation finished the approximate two-mile section, which contains a crossing of Hickory Grade Road over PA 576 and approximately 3 million cubic yards of excavation.
Construction Started
April 5, 2018
Construction Completed
June 2020
Travel Details
I-576 is now open to traffic.
55C2-1 Route 50 to I-79 Including Interchange with PA Turnpike 576
PA Turnpike 576, Section 55C2-1: The project extends from approximately one mile west of I-79 in Allegheny County through an interchange connecting PA Turnpike 576 with I-79 and ends at Morganza Road just north of Cecil-Henderson Road in Washington County. The construction of the interchange includes the partial reconstruction of I-79 from the Southpointe Road Interchange to Alpine Road. The project also includes two miles of PA Turnpike 576 mainline construction, three miles of I-79 reconstruction, seven interchange ramps, four bridges, two bridge widenings and two, new intersections with PA Turnpike 576 ramps and Morganza Road. Approximately six million cubic yards of earth have been moved for the construction. There are three southbound I-79 lanes from Alpine Road to the Southpointe Interchange and a free-flow interchange between I-79 and PA Turnpike 576.
Construction Started
April 4, 2019
Construction Completed
Summer 2022
Travel Details
I-79 northbound and southbound lanes are in their final configurations and are open to traffic. Final dress up work continues in these lanes with intermittent night time restrictions and an active work zone speed limit of 45 MPH. This work is expected to continue through the middle of September. Rest areas both northbound and southbound are open.
The full interchange is now open to traffic, allowing access on all ramps open between the two limited access highways.

55C2-2 Morganza/Morgan Road Improvements
PA Turnpike 576, Section 55C2-2: Between I-79 and Morganza Road in Washington County, and adjacent to PA Turnpike project Section 55C2-1, is approximately one mile in length, and required over 750 thousand cubic yards of excavation. The project includes a new alignment for Morgan Road with two overpass bridges above I-79 and PA Turnpike 576, and a new roundabout at Morgan Road’s intersection with Morganza and Baker roads.
Construction Started
October 3, 2018
Construction Completed
July 2020
Travel Details
I-576 is now open to traffic. Morgan Road, Baker Road,
Morganza Road, North Morganza Road, and South Morganza Road are open to public
55W Wetland Mitigation Site
Wetlands 55W Wetland Mitigation Site was completed by the contractor, Cast and Baker Corporation on December 6, 2016. The site is located approximately 3/4 of a mile northeast of Burgettstown PA, adjacent to State Route 4012, and west of Raccoon Creek in Washington County, PA. As a result of the construction of the Southern Beltway, 9 acres of new wetland has been constructed adjacent to an existing wetland.
The project involved the removal of approximately fifty thousand cubic yards of material, replaced with approximately nine thousand cubic yards of topsoil for wetland infiltration; reseeded and planted with specific vegetation/shrub plants that are designed to thrive in a wetland area.
The Wetland Mitigation Site area is adjacent to an existing wetland north of the site and is also adjacent to PA State Game Lands. The 55W mitigation project is in keeping with the PA Turnpike's commitment to utilizing Best Management Practices.
Construction Started
February 2014
Construction Completed
December 2016