Scranton Beltway

Traveling Construction Scranton Beltway

The public comment period for the Environmental Assessment is now closed. Comments, questions, and oral testimony received on the Environmental Assessment are being compiled and reviewed. Responses to feedback received during the public comment period will be made available when complete. Updates on the comment-response status will be provided at this location over the coming months. The Environmental Assessment is still available for viewing at the link below.

Environmental Assessment



Project Overview

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is developing plans to link Interstate 81 and the Turnpike's Northeast Extension, Interstate 476, in the Scranton area to form a beltway that will help ease congestion on I-81. The plan calls for highway-speed connections that will enable motorists to seamlessly drive from interstate to interstate in northbound and southbound directions.

The project will include two separate connections between the Turnpike's Interstate 476 and PennDOT's Interstate 81

  • Clarks Summit to the north of Scranton in South Abington Township, Lackawanna County
  • Wyoming Valley to the south of Scranton in the Borough of Dupont and Pittston Township, Luzerne County

Making the links between the two highways more convenient will attract more vehicles onto the Northeast Extension and help ease congestion on I-81. More than 70,000 vehicles a day use portions of I-81 through the Scranton region, while the Northeastern Extension carries about 10,000 vehicles a day.

Funding for the Scranton Beltway Project comes as a direct result of the 2013 passage of Act 89, Pennsylvania's comprehensive transportation-funding measure.

Project Maps

Scranton Beltway Map Overview

For information on other sections of the Pennsylvania Turnpike currently in construction or design, please visit the Major Design and Construction Projects homepage.

Project Schedule

Preliminary Design

  • Study Phase: Spring 2018 - Spring 2019
  • Preliminary Engineering/Environmental Assessment/Design Field View: Spring 2019 (COVID Pause) - Spring 2024
  • Public Meetings: Fall 2023
  • Public Hearings: Fall 2024

Next Steps

  • Final Engineering Design: 2025 - 2029
  • Construction: 2030 to 2035
October 2024 Schedule

These time frames are approximate and will be refined as the project advances:

Download Schedule (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this project being built?

How is this project funded?

How much will this project cost?

What is the project schedule?

Will there be public meetings/hearings?

Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns?

When will I know whether my property will be affected?

What are you doing to protect the environment?

Does the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission coordinate their work schedules with PennDOT work schedules?

How can I keep informed about the project?

Is the Turnpike's Edella Road bridge replacement part of the Scranton Beltway project?

Will public meetings/hearings comments be addressed?

If the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission needs to acquire my property (business or residence) for the project, what should I know about the right-of-way acquisition process?

Will tolls have to be increased to pay for this project?

Will I-81 be widened?

Why has there been a change in project design schedule?

What is NEPA?

Why has there been a delay in holding the public meeting?

What is an Environmental Assessment?

What is the difference between CE and an EA?

What is the difference between a public meeting and a public hearing?

When will a public hearing be held?

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