Project Overview
This multiphase project involves the total reconstruction and widening of two miles of the Turnpike's east-west mainline (Interstate 76) between Milepost 12 and Milepost 14. Upon completion of this project, the existing four-lane facility will be upgraded to include six 12-foot travel lanes, three eastbound and three westbound, 12-foot shoulders and 10-foot medians in each direction. In order to accommodate the new six lane facility, four early action bridges including two overhead Norfolk Southern railroad bridges were replaced prior to the start the reconstruction of the mainline PA Turnpike. To date all early action projects have been completed. Construction of the mainline roadway and the bridges over the Beaver River are currently in progress with an expected completion date of September 2027.
Stage 1 - September 2013 - November 2017 - Three separate Early Action Bridge Replacement Projects
Stage 2 - December 2022 - September 2027 - Total Reconstruction MP 12-14 and Replacement of Bridge WB-210 over the Beaver River, and removal of existing bridge crossing.
Project Cost - All stages $294M
This project, located in North Sewickley Township, Homewood Borough and Big Beaver Borough in Beaver County, includes the complete replacement of the mainline bridge over the Beaver River (WB-211, Milepost 13.21) The mainline will be shifted to the north to realign with the new bridge structure and to avoid environmental and utility issues to the south. The existing interchange will be reconfigured into a conventional interchange with SR 0018.
This project also involves the complete replacement of three overhead structures (WB-206, WB-207, WB-208), a mainline bridge (WB-209) over SR 0018, and a culvert (WB-212) extension over Thompson Run.
Two of the overhead structures (WB-207, WB-208) carry Norfolk Southern Railroad and have been replaced under an early action contract, completed in November 2015. The replacement structures are two span, steel, thru-girder bridges.
A temporary bridge was installed in 2014 to replace bridge WB-210A, Exit 13 ramps over SR 0018. The temporary bridge was required due to the poor condition of the existing structure and the lack of clearance over SR 0018.
A third early action contract relocated portions of Foxwood Drive and the portions of the Homewood Viaduct. The third early action construction project was completed in late 2017.
The drawings below show a cross-section of the roadway's layout as it is now and how it will look, at the completion of the project.
Typical Roadway Sections

Project Map