Design & Construction Details

Milepost A53-A57 Northeast Extension  Design & Construction Details

Total Reconstruction Project

Current Activities

Tilghman Street Bridge: Staged Construction In Progress

Construction began in August 2023 and will be completed in two stages to allow the bridge to remain open to traffic during construction.

  • Stage one bridge construction is currently underway.
    • Tilghman Street traffic was shifted to the southern portion of the existing bridge while the northern portion of the bridge is constructed. Traffic through the project is maintained using a travel lane in each direction and a center turning lane. 
    • To date, the new northern bridge’s deep foundations have been placed, and work has progressed on the substructures (Foundations, pier and abutments). Beam erection is scheduled for late summer or early fall 2024 and will require two single-direction detours of the Turnpike traffic.
    • Upcoming work includes beam erection, deck placement and approach roadway work on Tilghman Street.
    • In early February 2024, Turnpike traffic was shifted outward away from the median to allow the new bridge median pier construction to begin.
    • Utility relocation work will begin in early July, as the Contractor progresses work toward beam erection. This work will require nighttime lane closures on Tilghman Street.
    • Commuters should expect to see and hear construction activity and minor delays as demolition occurs and the proposed bridge is constructed. A blend of day and nighttime work should be expected.
  • Stage two bridge construction is expected to begin in late 2024/early 2025.
    • A similar method will be followed by shifting traffic to the northern portion of the new bridge and the southern portion of the bridge will then be constructed.
    • The new bridge is anticipated to be substantially complete by the end of 2025/early 2026.

The PTC will coordinate closely with PennDOT and local municipalities as construction progresses. The goal is to disrupt local traffic as little as possible.


Local Road Detours

A Work Zone Traffic Control Analysis was completed in conformance with PennDOT’s Traffic Engineering Manual, Publication 46, March 2013 Edition. The report includes analyses to identify anticipated delays that may result in detours during construction. See the project schedule below for the estimated construction start dates. The following detours are anticipated: 

  • The Lower Macungie Road Bridge Replacement (S.R. 2012), which crosses over the PA Turnpike at MP A53.38, will require a detour of traffic. One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained while the bridge is constructed off-alignment. A two-week detour of Lower Macungie Road is required to complete the tie-ins to the new alignment. Longer-term detours for the work occurring at its intersections with Millrace Road and Little Spur Road are required.
  • The East Texas Road Bridge Replacement (T.R. 471), which crosses over the PA Turnpike at MP A54.29, will be reconstructed, resulting in a detour of traffic along East Texas Road and Hidden Valley Road. For more details, please review the second page of the design plan exhibit.
  • The Hamilton Boulevard Bridge Replacement (SR 0222), which crosses over the PA Turnpike at MP A55.31, will be reconstructed, resulting in a westbound, eastbound, or full westbound/eastbound detour of traffic along Hamilton Boulevard.

Detours will be further refined and coordinated with the municipalities and PennDOT District 5-0.

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