Public Involvement
Public Officials Briefing and Open House Plans Display
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) held a Public Officials Briefing and Open House Plans Display for the total reconstruction and widening project which encompasses a six-mile section of Turnpike from the Ft. Littleton Interchange at Milepost 180 in Dublin Township, Fulton County to Milepost 186 in Dublin Township, Huntingdon County, just west of the Tuscarora Tunnel. The meetings were held to present the preliminary engineering design plans, environmental issues, right-of-way impacts, and project schedule for public review and comment.
Please note: Since the public meeting, the final design of this project has not been executed by the PTC. No specific timeline for the total reconstruction of this six-mile section has been set. When further information is available, the updated schedule will be posted on this site.
The Public Officials Briefing was held on Thursday, April 9 and the Open House Plans Display was held on Thursday, April 30 2015. Both meetings were held at the Hustontown Volunteer Fire Company Fire Hall. To view the information presented at the meetings, please click on the links below: