Project List
Milepost T180-184 Asphalt Resurfacing
Design deliverables will include a color-coded single PDF roadway plan and a 3D digital model depicting variable depth milling and bituminous overlay for a portion of the mainline to be re-profiled. The project is proposed to be bid in December of 2022.
Milepost T238 Eastbound and Westbound Access Ramps
Design Deliverables will include a single PDF roadway plan and a 3D digital model, for information only, to construct roadways and storm water basins for new emergency and maintenance access ramps at the Lisburn Road crossing with the Turnpike Mainline. The project is proposed to be bid in 2023.
New Cumberland Maintenance Facility - Milepost T244
Design deliverables will include 3D digital models, for information only, of new buildings and proposed site grading for a new maintenance facility. The project is proposed to be bid in August of 2023.
Milepost A83.88, NB-550 Bridge Replacement
Design deliverables will include 3D digital models, for information only, to construct roadway approaches and a new 2-span bridge structure to carry State Route 1001 (Hatchery Road) over the Northeast Extension of the Turnpike. The project is proposed to be bid in 2023.