Project Overview
Project Description:
This project involves the replacement of Bridge No. B-140 located at Milepost 148.06 on I-70/76 carrying the PA Turnpike over S.R. 1001 (Sunnyside Road) in Bedford Township, Bedford County. As part of this bridge replacement, improvements to S.R. 1001 in the immediate area of the bridge will occur.
The purpose of this project is to remove the existing deteriorating bridge and replace it with a new structure that will provide improved lane and shoulder widths along S.R. 1001 and increase the vertical clearance under the new bridge to meet current standards.
The I-70/76 section will use staged construction in order to maintain two lanes of traffic in each direction. S.R. 1001 will remain open with a single lane closure. A temporary signal will be used to maintain two-way traffic on the one lane. A third signal will be required for Chalybeate Road due to the proximity to the project area.
Short term closures of S.R. 1001 will occur throughout construction for items such as demolition of the existing structure, beam setting, and roadway reconstruction along S.R. 1001.