November 15, 2023 News Release

PA Turnpike Announces Advance Placement of Traffic Signal Slated to be Part of the Next Phase of Mon Fayette Expressway

PA Turnpike Announces Advance Placement of Traffic Signal Slated to be Part of the Next Phase of Mon Fayette Expressway. 

Traffic signal, to be installed at the intersection of Richland Avenue and Fifth Street in Dravosburg, will mitigate ongoing collision issues at intersection.

DRAVOSBURG, PA — The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) announced, following meetings with PennDOT, Allegheny County and Dravosburg Borough officials, an expedited plan to install a temporary traffic signal at the intersection of Richland Avenue and Fifth Street in Dravosburg.  Providing materials are available, the PTC is working closely with PennDOT District 11-0 with the goal of having the signal permitted, constructed and operational by May 2024. 

“In light of recent accidents, fatalities and ongoing safety issues in this area, local leadership and statewide transportation agencies came together to mobilize our joint resources to provide this community what they have requested and immediately need,” said Sean Logan, PA Turnpike Commissioner. “The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission stands ready and committed to providing the necessary design, funding, and construction of this signal in a timely fashion. “ 

The new traffic signal was approved on November 3 upon PennDOT’s completion of a traffic signal warrant study that was requested by Dravosburg Borough, at the intersection of 5th Street and Richland Ave. This study was completed after the left turn restrictions were implemented on Richland Avenue and the results of the study show that a traffic signal is warranted with the current traffic volumes.

“The installation of this traffic signal is a critical step in our ability to support the safety of our residents and motorists. I want to thank Commissioner Logan and the PA Turnpike for answering our calls for the need for more safety at this intersection,” said Senator Jim Brewster. “As a leading proponent of the bipartisan effort to complete the Mon-Fayette Expressway, I am pleased that this traffic safety measure is being expedited as part of that ongoing project for the public good.”

This action is part of ongoing safety improvements in this area which have required collaboration between township, county, state, and transportation officials to address recent tragic incidents. 

“I want to acknowledge and thank the efforts of all the parties involved to get this done so quickly. From the Turnpike accelerating their funding; to PennDOT quickly turning around their traffic study; to the County for installing new signage and dividers; and of course, Dravosburg Boro for passing the ordinances needed to make these intersections safer, every level of government worked together to get this done quickly. Thank you to everyone involved in getting this done in such an expeditious manner,” said Representative Nick Pisciottano.

For additional information on the Mon Fayette Expressway visit the project website: PA Route 51 to I-376 of the Mon/Fayette Expressway ( 



Media Contact: Kelli Roberts,, 610.213.7313