Traffic Alert: Crossover patterns will be in place Sunday night to Friday through August and into the fall to allow for construction to continue in the eastbound tunnel.

Project Overview
This $110M project at the Tuscarora Tunnel improves both the eastbound and westbound tunnel tubes. The tunnel is located on the PA Turnpike Mainline (I-76) between mileposts 186 and 187 between the Fort Littleton Interchange (Exit 180) and the Willow Hill Interchange (Exit 189) on the Huntingdon/Franklin County line. The project was needed to improve and modernize the tunnels and to maintain safety for workers and travelers.
Currently, work within the tunnel is substantially complete. This means regular tunnel closures have ended, although some work continues in the portal buildings at each end of the tunnel. Through May 2024 travelers can expect occasional closures of the eastbound tunnel, with crossover traffic patterns and possible delays. During closure of the eastbound tunnel the other tube will be open with bi-directional traffic. All traffic in both directions will merge into one lane approaching the tunnel, with a reduced speed limit. Traffic patterns are subject to change according to the time of year, weather, and projected travel volumes.
The eastbound tunnel tube originally opened in 1940 and the westbound opened in 1968. The two tubes were last renovated in the 1980s. This project was issued Notice to Proceed on July 31, 2019, and has an estimated completion date of January 2024.

Project Summary
Rehabilitation of the Tuscarora Tunnel between MP 185.89 and MP 187.49
Construction Start: Late 2019
Estimated Construction Completion: Early 2024
Project Total: $110 million
General Contractor: Mosites Construction
Company, Pittsburgh, PA
Construction Manager: Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc, Harrisburg, PA
Design Consultant: Gannett Fleming, Harrisburg, PA
For project travel times and active travel alerts, please visit