Lane Restrictions in Effect on Breezewood Connector
Lane Restrictions in Effect on Breezewood Connector
Construction to last until end of October.
BREEZEWOOD, PA —The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission advises travelers that construction work getting underway today will lead to lane closures on the Breezewood Connector between the mainline PA Turnpike (Interstate 70) and U.S. Route 30.
The Breezewood exit ramp from U.S. 30 westbound to I-70 eastbound is scheduled to be restricted to one lane until October 31st. Currently, the left lane is closed and will be for several weeks to allow for reconstruction. In mid-October, the pattern will switch, and the right lane will close for reconstruction. Motorists should be prepared for slow-moving traffic and delays in this area.
The Turnpike Commission is committed to making travel safer for our customers and empowering them to stay informed. We urge all drive to follow all posted speed limits and remain alert in our PA Turnpike work zones for the sake of our workers.
To report an accident or other emergency on the PA Turnpike, dial *11 via mobile phone. To learn more about PA Turnpike conditions, use one of these resources:
511PA Smartphone App: real-time, hands-free PA traffic advisories
Digital Message Signs: more than 100 boards along the Turnpike
511/ live, interactive map
Twitter: @PATurnpikeAlert
511: dial from any PA roadway for local travel information
Pennsylvania Turnpike Customer Assistance Center: 877-736-6727, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Media Contact: Crispin Havener, 717.870.2841