E-ZPass Toll Dispute

Home E-ZPass E-ZPass Toll Dispute

If you traveled on the PA Turnpike and believe the toll charge you received was incorrect, you can dispute it by providing the information below.  To process your toll dispute, provide a copy of your E‑ZPass account statement indicating the transaction(s) you wish to dispute.  Your dispute request will be reviewed by a member of our E‑ZPass Customer Service Center team.  Toll disputes submitted with incomplete information will not be processed.  

Time is limited when disputing tolls:  

  • Toll disputes should be submitted to The PA Turnpike Commission within 45 days of the transaction date.
  • Toll dispute requests for transaction(s) that are older than 90 days may be rejected.

* = Required field

Dispute Type

Optional File Upload - Other Documentation
Required File Upload - Entry Interchange Documentation

This field is required when selecting Max Toll or V-Toll

Please provide interchange entry documentation.

Required File Upload - Entry Interchange Documentation.

This field is required when selecting Max Toll or V-Toll

Please provide interchange entry documentation.

Required File Upload - Duplicate Charge Documentation

This field is required when selecting Duplicate Toll Charge

Please provide statement(s) showing duplicate charges.

Required File Upload - Vehicle Registration Documentation

This field is required when selecting Vehicle Classification

Please provide vehicle registration documentation.

Is this related to an emergency?

Contact Information

Vehicle Information | Duplicate Toll Charge

Vehicle Information | Vehicle Classification

Vehicle Information | Video-Tolling

Vehicle Information | Other

Vehicle Information | Maximum Toll

Travel Information

Required Interchange Information