Auctions & Property Leases

Home Business Hub Auctions & Property Leases

Learn more about the auctioning and leasing of the PA Turnpike’s surplus equipment and property.

Online Equipment and Surplus Property Auction

Last Modified: 07/22/2021

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) employees and their immediate family members are prohibited from purchasing any PTC auction items. Any PTC employee who attempts to purchase an auction item shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment, and any bids by the PTC employees or their immediate family members shall be null and void.

The PTC periodically sells equipment through the following auction companies. Please check the websites below for more details on inventory and auction schedule.

Check back for updated GovPlanet auction details as they become available.

Property Leases

When there is excess land that was originally purchased for construction of the PA Turnpike, the PTC may lease the property to developers. This leasing contributes to local economic development, creates jobs and generates non-toll revenue for the commission to utilize.

Current Property Listings


4214 Lebanon Church Road, West Mifflin, PA. 15122; three bedrooms; one bathroom; single family dwelling; one car garage; public water; public sewer; gas available; no appliances; rent is $800.00 per month.

3326 Cassius Street, Pittsburgh, PA. 15235; three bedrooms; two bathrooms; single family dwelling; one car garage; public water; public sewer; gas heat; no appliances; rent is $800.00 per month.

7052 Pleasant Valley Road, Irwin, PA. 15642; two bedrooms; one bathroom; single family residence; no garage; public water; on-lot sewer; fuel oil heat; refrigerator and stove included; rent is $800.00 per month.

2850 Turnpike Lane, Lower Swatara Township, Dauphin County, PA; approximately 19,000 square feet of space; click here for more information on this property. 

Intersection of PA Turnpike and Germantown Pike; adjacent to Plymouth Meeting Mall and a newly approved 275 apartment complex; click here for more information on this property. 





All interested parties can contact the Property Management Administrator at 717.831.7474 or via email at