Business Hub

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We regularly partner with vendors to help fulfill our mission: operating a safe, reliable, customer-valued toll road system that supports national mobility and commerce.

Teamwork is critical to our success

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) partners with vendors to help drive the standard for safety, customer service, and mobility that impacts travelers, commuters, commercial drivers, and others who are exploring Pennsylvania. From purchasing commodities to requesting professional services, we are always seeking to build purposeful partnerships.

Interested in becoming a new vendor? Submit an application today.

Visit Vendor Portal

1, 2, 3 Vendor Guide

This guide, including some frequently asked questions, has been prepared to assist you in understanding the basic procedures of centralized purchasing at the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.

View Guide

Innovative Products and Services Evaluation Submission

Consistent with the PA Turnpike Commission’s strategic values, our Innovation Council explores and evaluates existing innovative products and services to deliver a high-quality transportation system. The Innovation Council encourages our business and industry partners to present their existing innovative products and services for evaluation and potential implementation by the PA Turnpike Commission.

Existing Innovation Submission

Do you have an existing innovative product or service that could be applied to the Commission’s transportation system?
Submit a description of your existing innovative product or service to us today!

Submit Here

Types of Bids and RFPs

Purchasing Bids

The PTC solicits bid proposals for select commodities needed across the roadway system and beyond. Our buyers work with current and potential vendors to complete the purchases needed.

View bid notices and schedule

Professional Services RFPs

The PTC lists Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for professional services pertaining to Information Technology, Traffic Engineering, Finance, Electronic Toll Collection, and more.

View RFPs

Engineering/Architectural RFPs

The PTC has begun using PennDOT's Engineering and Construction Management System (ECMS) for the advertisement of RFPs and the receipt of Statements of Interest for highway related engineering services.

Visit the ECMS

Construction Bids

The PTC utilizes an electronic bidding system (EBS) to manage all bid construction projects. This system allows registered vendors to search for projects, download relevant documents, and submit bids.

Visit the EBS

laptop displaying PA Turnpike websiteArchived Bids & RFPs

We value transparency. We offer an archive of past awarded or closed bids and RFPs prior to October 2021 so that vendors can stay informed during the purchasing and procurement process.

View Archive

Bidding Procedures

The PTC follows the following bidding procedures:

Purchases for $10,000 or Less

The buyer may elect to send out a bid solicitation through an informal bid process (email, phone) or they may rely on experience to confirm pricing with a previously used vendor and send a Purchase Order to that vendor.

Purchases Over $10,000

The formal bidding process will include an advertisement. The advertisement will be on the Bid Notices page. If you are interested in business of this nature, please visit the site regularly.

More Vendor Resources

Auctions and Property Leases

The PTC periodically sells equipment and leases property.

See What’s Available

Advertise with Us

The PTC offers neighboring businesses various ways to advertise on the PA Turnpike.

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