Innovative Products and Services Evaluation Submission

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Consistent with the PA Turnpike Commission’s strategic values, our Innovation Council explores and evaluates existing innovative products and services to deliver a high-quality transportation system. The Innovation Council encourages our business and industry partners to present their existing innovative products and services for evaluation and potential implementation by the PA Turnpike Commission.

Submit Your Existing Innovation

Do you have an existing innovative product or service that could be applied to the Commission’s transportation system?
Submit a description of your existing innovative product or service to us today!

You must acknowledge the following Disclaimer to submit your existing innovation. By submitting your existing innovation to the Innovation Council, we are under no obligation with respect to the submission, including no obligation to review and evaluate the submission or provide feedback. The general description of your existing innovation for a product or service should not include anything that you deem to be proprietary or confidential. Should any submission include confidential, trade secret, or proprietary information, we are under no obligation to maintain confidentiality. If the product or service is patented, you must provide the patent number and relevant information. We will not consider any product or service based on a patent application. Should the Innovation Council find that your submission meets and supports the PA Turnpike Commission’s Strategic Values and your submission will further transform, modernize, and innovate how the Commission conducts its business, someone from the Commission may reach out to discuss your existing product or service in more detail.


All projects and business decisions at the PA Turnpike Commission are guided by our Strategic Values. Please identify which of the Commission's Strategic Values would be supported by your existing innovative product or service.

Has this existing innovation been utilized by other transportation agencies?

Please select any of the following certifications or approvals that actively apply to your existing innovation.

Please upload any files or supporting documentation of your existing innovation.